Friday, February 25, 2011

The Path to Connecting to Calvary Christian Center

The Path to Connecting to CCC is a 25 week (6 month) leadership course. It combines the original 4 weeks of New Membership/Ministry of Helps, the 10 weeks of Post-Encounter Courses and the 30 weeks of School of Leaders. It’s broken down into 3 Paths, similar to the School of Leaders. Below are references to the curriculum we extracted from each of the courses.

The Encounter Experience: You will experience a face to face encounter with God which will help you unload anything that will hinder you from moving forth in your destiny. (The encounter stands alone—We encourage everyone to go to the encounter as soon as you become a member, but for those who want to learn more about the foundations—they may go through path 1 first and then go to the encounter. (There is a 4 week prerequisite class that will assist you with understanding what you are about to experience that you must attend before you go to the encounter)

Path 1: Path to Belonging

Students may begin Level 1 at anytime, contrary to the prior requirement of attending an Encounter first. Ideally, we want our members to grow in the fundamentals of our faith, even if they’re not yet comfortable with attending an Encounter. However those that want to go to the Encounter is welcome to go after taking Pre-encounter classes.

Lesson 1: New Membership I
Lesson 2: New Membership II
Lesson 3: Salvation and the new birth
Lesson 4: The Holy Spirit and Baptism
Lesson 5: The ABC’s of Faith
Lesson 6: The Power of Worship & Praise
Lesson 7: Knowing the will of God
Lesson 8: The Importance of Family and Relationships

Path 2: Path to Involvement

Students must have attended an Encounter, and completed the Level 1: Path to Belonging before beginning the Path to Involvement.

Lesson 1: Ministry of Helps Part1
Lesson 2: Ministry of Helps Part 2
Lesson 3: Serving Others:
Lesson 4: Power of a Vision
Lesson 5: Life group Fundamentals
Lesson 6: Strategies for Success / How to solve problems in Cells
Lesson 7: Evangelism/Evangelism in Action
Lesson 8: Evangelism II

Path 3: Path to Understanding your purpose.

Students must have attended an Encounter, completed the Level 1: Path to Belonging and Level 2: Path to involvement, before beginning Level 3: Path to Understanding your purpose.

Lesson 1: Consolidation I
Lesson 2: Consolidation II
Lesson 3: Leadership—The High Calling
Lesson 4: Price of Leadership/ Dangers in Leadership
Lesson 5: The two fold working of the Holy Spirit
Lesson 6: Customer Service/Graduation overview/Impartation

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